Yeast Infection Treatment

Yeast Infection Treatment
Yeast Infection Cure

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Could My Candida Rash Be Dangerous?

Submitted by: Matthew Bredel

When it comes to Candida, this little yeast gets around. What few people realize is that Candida is the common culprit behind most yeast infections that affect human skin. This fungus makes it home on almost every surface of the human body. Most of the time it lives there harmlessly though occasionally a Candida rash reminds us of its presence.

There are several different types of yeast infections that are caused by Candida. Among them are the following: thrush, Candida diaper rash, Candidal body rash, Candidal vulvovaginitis, and Systemic Candidiasis, which can be fatal in as many as 75% of those affected by it. In other words, Candida symptoms and illnesses can prove quite lethal if not properly diagnosed and cared for. One thing that is essential however is receiving the proper diagnosis for your symptoms and then using the Candida remedies that are recommended.

The good news is that in most cases the symptoms of Candida, while uncomfortable are not fatal. Those that are fatal tend to be more serious conditions involving Candida and also involve a weakened immune system so that the body doesn’t properly respond to the threat or is overwhelmed by the threat before it has the opportunity to respond.

You will find that Candida symptoms vary greatly from one condition to the next and are often greatly impacted by the area of the body in which the infection occurs. Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection often include a white discharge. Other symptoms include itching and irritation in and around the vagina. Painful intercourse and burning while urinating are other symptoms of Candida yeast infections that are not uncommon.

Symptoms of thrush include white patches on the tongue, the roof of the mouth, or other locations inside the mouth. Thrush, particularly in babies can become a serious condition as it makes eating painful and dehydration in little ones can happen so quickly. If you suspect thrush, contact a medical professional immediately for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Diaper Candida rash is a fairly common ailment affecting little ones that wear diapers. This is generally treated with over the counter Candida remedies such as ketoconazole, nystatin, or econazole. You will want to check the mouth for signs of thrush as these conditions often happen in conjunction with one another. It is always best to get a final answer from a doctor whenever you suspect a Candida yeast infection before beginning your own treatment protocols, especially when there is a baby or small child involved though it is always the recommended course of action.

If you have a rash that you suspect is the result of a Candida yeast infection it is a good idea to consult a doctor before beginning your own treatment. That being said your doctor may prescribe one of many pharmaceutical treatments that include drugs like Nystatin and Diflucan. Ultimately prevention is the best cure and eating a healthy diet that introduces little yeast (no breads, cakes, muffins, cheese, etc.) and little fuel that encourages yeast growth such as simple sugars is a great place to begin the war against Candida yeast infections in your life.

About the Author: For more candida rash information, info about candida symptoms or candida remedies, visit


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